
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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which they executed very well. In this
manner, on Sundays and holidays, the
trades-people and artizans form them-
selves into distinct companies, and sing
through the streets, in their way to
church. Those of the parish of S. Bene-
detto, we are informed by Crescimbeni,
were famous all over Italy; and at the
great Jubilee, in the beginning of this
century, marched through the streets of
Rome, singing in such a manner as
pleased and astonished every body.

September 3. I went to the little thea-
tre di via Santa Maria, to hear the comic
opera of La Pescatrice, composed by Sig-
nor Piccini. There are but four charac-
ters in this drama, two of which were
represented by Signora Giovanna Bag-
lioni, and her sister Costanza, whom I
had heard at Milan; the other two were
Signor Paolo Bonaveri, a good tenor, and
Signor Constantino Ghigi. Costanza Bag-
lioni appeared here to much greater ad-
