
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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made them strive to enter the church, and
others whose sufferings and fear made
them use every means in their power to
get out.

By permitting myself to drive with the
stream, I at length was carried to a toler-
able place near one of the doors, where I
had perseverance sufficient to remain dur-
ing the whole service, as I was in constant
expectation of being rewarded for my
sufferings, by the performance of some
great singer, whom I had not heard be-
fore; but in this I was disappointed, as
all the vocal performers, except one *,
were very indifferent: the music, however,
was very pretty; full of taste and fancy:
it was composed by Signor Feroce, a Flo-
rentine. The principal violin was play-
ed by Signor Modele, who, with his son,
played very neatly a duet concerto: after
this the Abate Fibbietti sung a motet
with such taste in the slow movements,

* The Abate Fibbietti, an excellent tenor.