
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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and fire in the quick, as were truly asto-
nishing; his voice was sweet and clear,
his intonations perfectly true; his expres-
sion and fancy charming, and he left no-
thing to wish, but a shake a little more

At four o'clock in the evening, the
games began in the great square, which
is a large piece of ground of an oblong
form. There were 1500 peasants of the
neighbourhood employed upon this occa-
sion, who had been three months in train-
ing: they had the story of David and
Goliah to represent, which was done
with the most minute attention to the
sacred story, and the costume of the an-
cients. The two armies of the Israelites
and Philistines met, marching to the sound
of ancient instruments such as the crotolo
or cymbal, the systrum, and others: they
were all dressed all' antica, even to the
common men; the kings, princes, and
generals, on both sides, were sumptuously
