
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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which was taken of him, by a person
of distinction there, he was sent away, and
has been many years established in this
city: he is now in years; I had a long
conversation with him, and found him
very intelligent and obliging.

He says, that the music of Palestrina is
used here on all days, except festivals;
and upon my requesting him to favour me
with a copy of the most celebrated com-
position performed in his church, he told
me that it was the Miserere of Allegri,
which is sung here, as in the Pope's
chapel, only on good Fridays, and that
it should be transcribed for me imme-
diately: but as I had already obtained a
copy of that famous composition from
Padre Martini, who had one made by the
express order of the late Pope, I declined
the acceptance of his obliging offer.

In the evening I went again to the
opera of Le Donne Vendicate, which I
mention only because it gives me an op-
portunity of remarking the extraordinary
