
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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good humour of an Italian audience;
for this being the last night of the pre-
sent company's performance, the crowd
and applause were prodigious; printed
sonnets, in praise of singers and dancers,
were thrown from the slips, and seen fly-
ing about the house in great numbers,
for which the audience scrambled with
much eagerness, and at the close of
all, it was rather acclamation than applause.

Sunday, Sept. 9. This morning I was
at a very solemn service in the convent
delle Monache, or nuns of the Portico,
about a mile from Florence. This per-
formance cost upwards of 300 sequins;
it was to solemnise the last consecration
of eight nuns; the archbishop was there,
a great deal of the first company of Flo-
rence, and a very numerous band of vocal
and instrumental peformers. I had here
the pleasure of hearing Signor Manzoli.
In the first part of the mass, there was

a trio