
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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is delicate, judicious, and highly fi-
nished *.

The Tommasino Linley played two
concertos, very much in the manner of
his master. Signor Nardini has a great
number of young professors under his
care, as his master, Tartini, used to have,
among whom is a son of Mr. Agus, from

Tuesday II. At another great acca-
, at the house of Signor Domenico
Baldigiani. I this evening met with the
famous Improvvisatrice, Signora Mad-
dalena Morelli, commonly called La Co-
, who is likewise a scholar of Signor
Nardini, on the violin; and afterwards I
was frequently at her house†. Besides

* Whoever has heard the polished performance
of the celebrated Signora Sirmen, may form a pretty
just idea of Signor Nardini's manner of playing.

† She has, almost every evening, a conversazione,
or assembly, which is much frequented by the
foreigners, and men of letters, at Florence.