
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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her wonderful talent of speaking verses
extempore upon any given subject, and
being able to pay a ripieno part, on the
violin, in concert, she sings with a great
deal of expression, and has a considerable
share of execution.

I was several times at the house of Sig-
nor Campioni, whose trios have been so
well received in England. He is mar-
ried to a lady who paints very well, and
who is likewise a neat performer, on the
harpsichord. He has the greatest collec-
tion of old music, particularly Madrigals,
of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,
Padre Martini's excepted, that I ever saw:
he has likewise himself composed a great
deal for the church, since his establish-
ment at Florence. He shewed me the
score of a Te Deum, which he set for the
birth of the grand duke's eldest daugh-
ter, full of curious canons, and ingeni-
ous contrivances: it was performed by
a band of two hundred voices and in-
