
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Among the Dilettanti, at Florence, the
Marquis of Ligneville is regarded as a
good theorist and composer. He has set
the hymn Salve Regina in Canon, for three
voices. The music is neatly engraved,
and copies of it are given to his friends.
The Marquis was not in Florence during
my residence there; however, I was pre-
sented with a copy of this curious piece,
by a musician in the service of his ex-
cellence *

Mr. Perkins, an English gentleman,
who has resided a considerable time in
this city and in Bologna, is likewise a
good musician. A letter from Padre

* In the title page of this Salve Regina, the Mar-
quis of Ligneville is stiled Prince of Conca, cham-
berlain to their Imperial Majesties, director of the
music of the court in Tuscany, and member of the
philharmonic society of Bologna. He is Prince
of Conca, in the kingdom of Naples, by right of
his mother ; is son of the famous Marshal Ligne-
ville, who was killed in the gardens of Colorno, a
country house belonging to the Duke of Parma,
during the war of 1733.