
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Martini procured me the honour of his
acquaintance. This gentleman is en-
titled to my best acknowledgments for
many musical curiosities, with which he
was so kind as to furnish me; and among
the rest, for an essay, of which he is him-
self the author, on the capacity and extent
of the violoncello, in imitating the violin,
flute, french-horn, trumpet, hautbois, and

At Florence, I found the harpsichord
of Zarlino, which is mentioned in the se-
cond part of his Harmonical Institutions,
p. 140. This instrument was invented
by Zarlino, in order to give the tempera-
ment and modulation of the three genera,
the diatonic, chromatic, and enharmonic;
and was constructed, under his direction,
in the year 1548, by Domenico Pesarese:
it it now in the possession of Signora
Moncini, widow of the late com-
poser Piscetti. I copied Zarlino's in-
structions for tuning it, from his own
hand-writing, on the back of the fore-
