
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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board; but I shall reserve them, and the
particular description of this curious in-
strument, for the History of Music, to
which they more properly belong.

The grand duke's gallery, the Pitti pa-
lace, the Lorenziana, the Magliabecchi,
and the Rinuccini libraries, all furnished
reflections and materials for my intended
work; and the conversations with which
I was honoured by Dr. Bicchierai, Dr.
Perelli, professor of mathematics, Dr.
Guadagni, professor of experimental phi-
losophy, il proposto Dr. Fossi, Signor Ban-
dini, librarian to the grand duke, and
others; who facilitated my enquiries, and
afforded me every opportunity for infor-
mation that I could wish, rendered my
residence, in this delightful city, to
which all the arts have been so much
and so long indebted, at once both plea-
sant and profitable.

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