
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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present period; and, at Rome, they
still speak of his performance, in Pic-
cini's Didone Abbandonata, with rapture.
Signor Guarducci, in a manner truly
obliging, gave me letters to several emi-
nent professors at Rome and Naples,
and not only treated me with the greatest
hospitality while under his roof, but load-
ed my chaise with exquisite wine, the pro-
duce of his own vineyard, and with other


It is impossible to approach this city
the capital of the world, for such it still
with respect to the arts, without sen-
sations which no other situation can ex-
cite. The remains of antiquity, like the
Sibyls works of old, become of greater
value the less there is of them. At a tra-
veller's first entrance into Rome, every
stone half devoured by time, or incrust-

* The wine of Montefiascone is proverbially fa-
mous all over Italy.