
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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September 23. I was introduced to
Signor Crispi, a celebrated Maestro di Ca-
, at whose house there was an acca-
this evening, in which the vocal
part was performed by his wife. This
composer has an accademia at his house
every Friday evening, at which there is
usually a good band and much company.

September 24. There was a grand Fun-
at the Santi Apostoli, on account of
the reconciliation of the Pope and the
King of Portugal. It was at this church
that I first saw his Holiness, and a great
number of Cardinals, and heard Te Deum.
There were two large bands of music,
and an immense crowd. The music was
composed by Signor Mosi. Cristofero
sung charmingly; the airs were pretty,
but the chorusses poor.

In the evening the outside of the cupo-
la, church, and colonade of St. Peter,
together with the Vatican palace, were
finely illuminated, which affords a spec-
