
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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tacle to the inhabitants of Rome, not to
be equalled in the universe. And in the
balconies, next to the street, at the pa-
laces of most of the Cardinals, besides
illuminations, there were concerts of very
numerous bands of instrumental per-
formers; but chiefly at the residence of
the Portuguese Ambassador, where the
hands employed amounted to above a
hundred, and these continued their per-
formance all night. However, this mu-
sic, though in the open air, was too noisy
for me, and I retreated from it early, in
order to have my ears soothed with more
placid sounds at the Duke of Dorset's

Tuesday 25. I had this morning the
honour of being presenting to Cardinal
Alexander Albani, principal librarian to
the Vatican, and Prefetto, or Governor
of the Pope's chapel. His eminence re-
ceived me in the most obliging and con-
descending manner imaginable, taking me
