
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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by the hand, and saying, Figlio mio, che
" My son, what do you wish I
" should do for you?" And upon my
informing him of the views with which
I came into Italy, and expressing a desire
to be permitted to examine MSS. in the
Vatican library, and in the archives of
the pontifical chapel, relative to music,
he said, " You shall have the permission
" you desire, but write it down in the
form of a memorial;" which being
done, I had the honour of being pre-
sented to him a second time, when he
called for his secretary, to whom he gave
instructions to draw up an order, which
he signed, and addressed to Monsignore
l'Arcivescovo di Apamea, prefetto della Va-
, to admit me into the Vatican
library when I pleased, to let me see what
books and MSS. I pleased, and to have
copied what I pleased.

This is an important point gained,
but, without the intelligence and assist-
ance of the Abate Elie, one of the custodi,
