
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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or keepers of the books of the Vatican,
I should have been but little the better
for the permission which I had obtained.
For the MSS. in this celebrated library
are so numerous, and many of them in
such disorder, that to find the tracts I
wished, would have been a work of
years, had he not pointed them out*.
This gentleman employed five or six
whole days in making a catalogue for me
of all that the Vatican contained relative
to my work; after which I regularly
spent my mornings there, in reading
and marking such things as I wished to
have copied entirely, or from which I
was desirous of extracts; and these my
good friend the Abate undertook to
transcribe for me while I went to Na-

* As yet there is no regular catalogue of the
western MSS. in the Vatican library. One was
made and printed some years ago, in fourteen vo-
lumes folio, of the eastern, but the author died be-
fore he had completed the work; and it has never
since been resumed by any other.