
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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rank, and the services which I received
from them.

And first, I cannot resist the vanity of
saying, that I passed few nights at Rome
without hearing music at the Duke of
Dorset's; and that his grace had the
goodness to contrive to have my curiosity
gratified by something new and curious,
either in composition or performance, at
most of these concerts. It was here that
I had an opportunity of meeting the best
performers in Rome, at a time when the
theatres were shut, and it would have
been difficult to have heard them else-

To Mr. Leighton, whose performance
and taste in music are superior to those
of most gentlemen, I am indebted for
some curious compositions, and for the
conversation of several persons in Rome,
eminent for their skill in the art, and
learning in the science of sound; among
whom were the Marchese Gabriele, and
Monsignor Reggio.
