
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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To the counsel and assistance of those
eminent antiquaries, Messieurs Jenkins,
Morrison, and Byers, I owe the greatest
part of my original drawings of ancient
instruments; and to their active friend-
ship I likewise owe much of the pleasure
and information which I received at

And now, having acknowledged these
debts to my countrymen, I must again
say, that the men of learning and genius
among the Italians have, throughout my
journey, treated me with the utmost
hospitality and kindness, each seeming to
strive who should most contribute to my
information and amusement. For, ex-
cept the civilities with which I was ho-
noured at Venice and Florence by Mr.
Richie, Sir Horace Mann, and Messieurs
Perkins and Hempson, I owe all my in-
formation and entertainment, till my ar-
rival at Rome, to the Italians themselves.
Indeed, it was to them that I chiefly ad-
dressed myself, thinking it most profit-
