
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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though not a native of Rome, has lived
so long there, and is possessed of so much
learning and taste in the fine arts, that
I found myself much enlightened by
his conversation, and indebted to his
zeal and intelligence for very singular
services; and the Cavalier Santarelli, Ca-
pellano di Malta
*, and Maestro di Capella
to his Holiness.

To Signor Santarelli I was favoured
with a letter from Padre Martini, which
had all the effect I could wish, as I soon
found this excellent musician and worthy
man, not only disposed to treat me with
politeness, but even with friendship in
the utmost extent of the word; he was
the more able to render me real services
in my musical enquiries, as, besides his
station in the Pope's chapel, and his great
skill and experience in the practical part,
I found him deep in the theory, and
learned in the history of his profession,

* As Capellano di Malta he wears a small cross
and an ivory star on his breast.