
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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he having been many years employed in
the following curious work, Della Musica
del Santuario e della Disciplina de' suoi Can-
; or, an Historical Dissertation on
Church Music.

This work is divided into different
centuries since the time of our Saviour,
as secolo primo, sec. secondo, sec. terzo,
&c. giving authorities throughout, from
ecclesiastical history. The first volume
was printed in the year 1764, but has
never yet been published: the second,
in MS. is in great forwardness; it seems
to supply all the deficiencies of another
curious and scarce work on the same sub-
ject, published in 1711, called Osservazi-
oni per ben regolare il caro della Capella pon-
; or, Rules for conducting the Choir
of the Pope's Chapel, by Andrea Adamo;
but the historical part of this book, be-
ginning only at the year 1400, and end-
ing in 1711, that of Signor Santarelli,
which begins with the earliest ages of
the church, and continues to the present
