
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Signor Santarelli favoured me with the
following particulars relative to the fa-

" if the statutes of every cathedral were examined,
" it would appear, that the salary allotted to each
" member was exactly proportioned one to the other:
" perhaps thus; to the chorister, or singing boy,
" five pounds; to the singing man, ten; to the
" minor canon, twenty; the organist the same;
" to the canon or residentiary, forty; and to the
" dean, eighty pounds per annum; which if mul-
" tiplied by four, would make the first twenty, the
" second forty, the third eighty, the fourth one
" hundred and sixty, and the fifth three hundred
" and twenty: this, with the chance of livings to
" the clergy, would be a decent competency for
" each in his station; and I may venture to affirm,
" that the three former would be very well con-
" tented with it: yet, even this increase will not
" satisfy the two latter; but, without scruple or
" remorse, they (by what authority I know not)
" divide three fourths of the profits arising from
" the portions allotted to their inferiors, among
" themselves; a manifest abuse of the founder's in-
" tention, and injustice to the several incumbents:
" hence a canonry comes to be valued at two hun-
" dred, and a deanry at four hundred pounds per
" annum
; and if this computation over-rates the
" value of some, others however must be allowed
" to exceed it greatly."