
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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singing some entire verses quicker than
others. Thus far Signor Santarelli.

Let me add, from Andrea Adami, in
the work mentioned above, that, "After
" several vain attempts by preceding
" composers, for more than a hundred
" years, to set the same words to the
" satisfaction of the heads of the church,
" Gregorio Allegri succeeded so well, as
" to merit eternal praise; for with few
" notes, well modulated, and well un-
" derstood, he composed such a Miserere
" as will continue to be sung on the same
" days, every year, for ages yet to come;
" and one that is conceived in such just
" proportions as will astonish future
" times, and ravish, as at present, the
" soul of every hearer."

However, some of the great effects pro-
duced by this piece, may, perhaps, be justly
attributed to the time, place, and solem-
nity of the ceremonials, used during the
performance: the pope and conclave are
all prostrated on the ground; the candles
