
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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different places; however, he ordered
his Maestro di Capella to write down his
defence, in order to be fent to Vienna,
which was done; and the Emperor, see-
ing no other way of gratifying his wishes
with respect to this composition, begged
of the Pope, that some of the musicians
in the service of his Holiness, might be
sent to Vienna, to instruct those in the
service of his chapel how to perform the
Miserere of Allegri, in the same expressive
manner as in the Sistine chapel at Rome,
which was granted. But, before they ar-
rived, a war broke out with the Turks,
which called the Emperor from Vienna;
and the Miserere has never yet, perhaps,
been truly performed, but in the Pope's

I visited several times, while I was at
Rome, Signor Mazzanti, who not only
sings with exquisite taste, but is likewise
an excellent musician. He is both a
reader and a writer on the subject of
music, as well as a considerable collector
