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superiour in their performance to most others that I have heard on the continent. But, in general, the best organists in Italy are the monks and friars, many of whom I have heard play in the churches and chapels of their own convents, not only in a masterly, but a brilliant and modern manner, without forgetting the genius of the instrument. And some of the girls of the Venetian Conservatorios, as well as the nuns in different parts of Italy, play with rapidity and neatness in their several churches; but there is al- most always a want of force, of learning, and courage in female performances, occasioned, perhaps, by that feminine softness, with which, in other situations, we are so enchanted.
Having heard the most eminent per- formers, conversed with the principal theorists and composers, found many of the books, manuscripts, and antiquities which I had sought, and explained my wants with regard to the rest, to several