
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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questions chiefly to the four following

1. The antiquity of these establish-
2. Their names.
3. The number of masters and scholars.
4. The time for admission, and for
quitting these schools.

To my first demand, he answered, that
the Conservatorios were of ancient stand-
ing, as might be seen by the ruinous con-
dition of one of the buildings, which was
ready to tumble down *.

To my second, that their names were
S. Onofrio, La Pietà, and Santa Maria di

To my third question he answered, that
the number of scholars in the first Conser-
vatorio is about ninety, in the second a

* I afterwards obtained, from good authority,
the exact date of each of these foundations; their
fixed and stated rules, amounting to thirty-one: and
the orders given to the Rectors for regulating the
conduct and studies of the boys, every month in the