
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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However, with respect to the Conserva-
torios at Naples, Mr. Jemineau, the
British consul, who has so long resided
there, and who has made very particular
enquiries, assured me, and his account was
confirmed by Dr. Cirillo, an eminent and
learned Neapolitan physician, that this
practice is absolutely forbidden in the Con-
servatorios, and that the young Castrati
came from Leccia in Puglia; but, before
the operation is performed, they are
brought to a Conservatorio to be tried
as to the probability of voice, and
then are taken home by their parents
for this barbarous purpose. It is said,
however, to be death by the laws to all
those who perform the operation, and ex-
communication to every one concerned
in it, unless it be done, as is often pre-
tended, upon account of some disorders
which may be supposed to require it, and
with the consent of the boy. And there
are instances of its being done even at the
