
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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From hence I went directly to the
comic opera, which, to-night, was at
the Teatro Nuovo. This house is not
only less than the Fiorentini, but is older
and more dirty. The way to it, for car-
riages, is through streets very narrow, and
extremely inconvenient. This burletta
was called Le Trame per Amore, and set
by Signor Giovanni Paesiello, Maestro di
Capella Napolitano
. The singing was but
indifferent; there were nine characters in
the piece, and yet not one good voice
among them; however, the music
pleased me very much; it was full of
fire and fancy, the ritornels abounding
in new passages, and the vocal parts in
elegant and simple melodies, such as
might be remembered and carried away
after the first hearing, or be performed
in private by a small band, or even with-
out any other instrument than a harpsi-

This is seldom the case in modern
opera songs, so crowded is the score and
