
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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as they usually had second parts, were
always repeated in the da capo.

Saturday, 20. This morning I heard, at
the same church, the boys of the Con-
servatorio of St. Onofrio, who wear a
white uniform. The performance was
much the same as that of the other two.
These seminaries, which have heretofore
produced such great professors, seem at
present to be but low in genius. However,
since these institutions, as well as others,
are subject to fluctuations, after being
languid for some time, like their neigh-
bour Mount Vesuvius, they will, perhaps,
blaze out again with new vigour.

Sunday 21, and Monday 22, were
spent in visiting the environs of Naples.
However, I arrived in town soon enough
on Monday night to hear Paesiello's
opera, a second time, at the Teatro
. It pleased me full as much now
