
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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However, the whole is so throughly be-
lieved by some innocent people in the
country, that when really bitten by other
insects, or animals that are poisonous,
the [sic] take this method of dancing, to a
particular tune, till they sweat; which,
together with their faith, sometimes
makes them whole. They will continue
the dance, in a kind of frenzy, for many
hours, even till they drop down with
fatigue and lassitude.

Wednesday 24. I went again this even-
ing to Piccini's opera, but was too late
for the overture; the house was very full,
and the music pleased me more than the
first time. The airs are not so familiar as
those in Paesiello's opera, yet there is much
better writing in them; and there are some
accompanied recitatives, in the ritornels
of which, though several different parts
are going on at the same time, there is a

sceptics, as to its miraculous powers; yet truth
requires it should be given.