
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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seemed to be that of a raw and inexpe-
rienced composer, was by a young man,
who beat time. There was again a solo
on the instrument called la Voce Hu-
; it is of an agreeable tone, has a
great compass, but was not well played
on. A concerto on the violin was like-
wise introduced, where hand and fire
were discovered by the player, but no
taste or finishing.

Friday 26. This morning I first had
the pleasure of seeing and conversing with
Signor Jomelli, who arrived at Naples
from the country but the night before.
He is extremely corpulent, and, in the
face, not unlike what I remember Handel
to have been, yet far more polite and

Onofrio. From the character which M. Rous-
seau has given of this composer, I had conceived
the highest ideas of his merit; and in the course
of my journey through Italy, I collected a great
number of his compositions for the church. M.
Rousseau's words in speaking of him are very
strong: " Durante est le plus grand harmoniste de
l'Italie, c'est à dire du monde
." Dict. est Musique.