
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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soft in his manner. I found him in his
night-gown, at an instrument, writing.
He received me very politely, and made
many apologies for not having called on
me, in consequence of a card which I had
left at his house; but apologies were
indeed unnecessary, as he was but just
come to town, and at the point of
bringing out a new opera, that must
have occupied both his time and thoughts
sufficiently. He had heard of me from
Mr. Hamilton. I gave him Padre Mar-
tini's letter, and after he had read it we
went to business directly.

I told him my errand to Italy, and
shewed him my plan, for I knew his
time was precious. He read it with
great attention, and conversed very open-
ly and rationally: said, that the part
which I had undertaken was much ne-
glected at present in Italy; that the
Conservatorios, of which, I told him,
I wished for information, were now at
a low ebb, though formerly so fruitful
in great men.
