
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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He mentioned to me a person of great
learning, who had been translating Da-
vid's Psalms into excellent Italian verse;
in the course of which work, he had
found it necessary to write a dissertation
on the music of the ancients, which he
had communicated to him. He said
this writer was a fine and subtle critic;
had differed in several points from Padre
Martini; had been in correspondence
with Metastasio, and had received a long
letter from him on the subject of lyric
poetry and music; all which he thought
necessary for me to see. He promised to
procure me the book, and to make me
acquainted with the author.

He spoke very much in praise of Ales-
sandro Scarlatti, as to his church music,
such as motets, masses, and oratorios;
promised to procure me information con-
cerning the Conservatorios, and what-
ever else was to my purpose, and in his
power. He took down my direction,
and assured me that the instant he had
