
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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ficult to decide which of the two com-
posers first-mentioned, has merited most
from the public; Jomelli's works are full
of great and noble ideas, treated with taste
and learning; Galuppi's abound in fancy,
fire, and feeling; Piccini has far surpass-
ed all his cotemporaries [sic] in the comic
stile; and Sacchini is the most promising
composer in the serious.

The Honourable Mr. Hamilton, now
Sir William Hamilton, Knight of the
Bath, the British minister at this court,
whose taste and zeal for the arts, and
whose patronage of artists, are well
known throughout Europe, being out
of town when I came to Naples, did
me the honour, as soon as he heard of
my arrival, to invite me to his country-
house, called Villa Angelica, at the foot
of Mount Vesuvius; and this day, after
visiting Signor Jomelli, I waited upon
him for the first time, and was received
by him and his lady, not only with po-
liteness, but even kindness. I had the hap-
