
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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piness of continuing there with them
two or three days, during which time,
among other amusements, music was
not wanting, as Mr. Hamilton has two
pages of his houshold, [sic] who are excellent
performers, one on the violin, and the
other on the violoncello.

Saturday 27. This evening, though I
had a violent head-ach, [sic] yet, in order first
to brave, and then to sooth, [sic] the pain, I
determined to try the medicinal power
of music at Piccini's opera, and found,
that though it did not cure, it alleviated
the pain, and diverted my attention from
it. The house was very full, and the
actors were in great spirits. I went
early enough, for the first time, to hear
the overture; it is very pretty and fanci-
ful, consisting of only two movements, in
which the violins were confined to hard
labour. With what pleased me before, I
was more pleased now; it is impossible not
to be delighted with the originality, and
surprised at the resources of this author.