
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Monday 29. Mr. Hamilton being re-
turned to Naples, in order to gratify my
musical curiosity, made a great concert at
his house, where there was much com-
pany, and where I had the satisfaction of
meeting with the chief musical perform-
ers of this city: among whom were the
celebrated player on the violin Signor
Barbella, and Orgitano, one of the best
harpsichord players and writers for that
instrument at Naples. But Mrs. Hamil-
ton is herself a much better performer on
that instrument than either he or any one
I heard there. She has great neatness,
and more expression and meaning in her
playing, than is often found among
lady-players; for ladies, it must be own-
ed, though frequently neat in execution,
seldom aim at expression.

Barbella rather disappointed me; his
performance has nothing very surprising
in it now: he is not young, indeed;
and solo playing is never wanted or re-
garded here; so that teaching and or-
