
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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ing taken out of them, are reduced to
twenty-nine. In the pit there are four-
teen or fifteen rows of seats, which are
very roomy and commodious, with lea-
ther cushions and stuffed backs, each se-
parated from the other by a broad rest
for the elbow: in the middle of the pit
there are thirty of these seats in a row;
the chief part of which are let by the
season, each of these turns up and is
locked, in the absence of the proprietor.

November 1, being All Saints day, I
went, at least two miles, to the church
of the Incurabili where I was told there
would be good music; but I found it
miserable. From hence I went to several
other churches, where I only heard bad
music ill performed.

Friday, Nov. 3. [sic, should be "2"] This day I visited his
Neapolitan majesty's museum, at Portici,
where I had enquiries to make concern-
ing ancient instruments and MSS. which
