
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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at once, and that the small pipes were
unisons to each other, and octaves to the
great one. It used to be slung on the
shoulder by a chain, which chain is pre-
served, and the place where it used to
be fastened to the trumpet, is still visible.
No such instrument as this has been
found before, either in ancient painting
or sculpture, which makes me the more
minute in speaking of it. This singular
species of trumpet was found in the Corps
de Garde
, and seems to be the true mi-
litary Clangor Tubarum.

As no person is suffered to use a pencil
in the museum, when the company with
which I had seen it was arrived at the inn
where we dined, Mr. Robertson, an in-
genious young artist of the party, was so
obliging as to make a drawing of it, from
memory, in my tablets; which all the
company, consisting of seven, agreed
was very exact.

In the ninth or tenth room are all the
volumes as yet found in Herculaneum,
