
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Every lover of learning laments the slow
manner in which they proceed in opening
these volumes. All that have been found
hitherto were in Herculaneum. Those
of Pompeii are supposed to have been
wholly destroyed by fire.

Saturday 3. At night I went to a little
neat new play-house, just opened; there
was a comedy in prose, a Turkish story,
ill told, and not well acted.

Sunday 4. I went this morning to San
Gennaro, to hear the organ and to see
the chapel, and the pictures in it, by
Domenichini; after which I was conduct-
ed to the house of Don Carlo Cotumacci,
master to the Conservatorio of St. Onofrio,
whom I heard play on the harpsichord;
and who gave me a great number of anec-
dotes concerning the music of old times.
He was scholar to the Cavalier Alessandro
Scarlatti, in the year 1719; and shewed
