
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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me the lessons which he received from
that great master, in his own hand writ-
ing. He also gave me a very particular
account of Scarlatti and his family. Signor
Cotumacci, was Durante's successor. He
plays, in the old organ stile, very full and
learnedly, as to modulation; and has com-
posed a great deal of church music, of
which he was so obliging as to give me a
copy of two or three curious pieces. He
has had great experience in teaching; and
shewed me two books of his own writing,
in manuscript, one upon accompaniment,
and one upon counterpoint. I take him
to be more than seventy years of age.

At night I went to the first public
representation of Signor Jomelli's opera
of Demofoonte, in the grand theatre of
San Carlo, where I was honoured with a
place in Mr. Hamilton's box. It is not
easy to imagine or describe the grandeur
and magnificence of this spectacle. It be-
ing the great festival of St. Charles and the
King of Spain's name-day, the court was
