
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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in grand gala, and the house was not
only doubly illuminated, but amazingly
crowded with well dressed company*. In
the front of each box there is a mirrour,
three or four feet long, by two or three
wide, before which are two large wax
tapers; these, by reflection, being mul-
tiplied, and added to the lights of the
stage and to those within the boxes,
make the splendor too much for the ach-
ing sight. The King and Queen were
present. Their Majesties have a large
box in the front of the house, which con-
tains in height and breadth the space of
four other boxes.

The stage is of an immense size, and
the scenes, dresses, and decorations are
extremely magnificent; and I think this
theatre superior, in these particulars, as
well as in the music, to that of the great
French opera at Paris. But M. de la

* The fourth of November is likewise cele-
brated as the name-day of the Queen of Naples
and the Prince of Asturias.