
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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that of the French capital, in which the
poetry and music are good, and the vocal
and instrumental parts well performed,
and he will deny himself the rest with-
out murmuring; though his ear should be
less stunned with chorusses, and his eye
less dazzled with machinery, dresses, and
dances than at Paris.

But to return to the theatre of San Carlo,
which, as a spectacle, surpasses all that
poetry or romance have painted: yet
with all this, it must be owned that the
magnitude of the building, and noise of
the audience are such, that neither the
voices nor instruments can be heard dis-
tinctly. I was told, however, that on
account of the King and Queen being
present, the people were much less noisy
than on common nights. There was not
a hand moved by way of applause during
the whole representation, though the au-
dience in general seemed pleased with
the music: but, to say the truth, it did
not afford me the same delight as at the
