
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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During the performance, Caffarelli
came into the pit, and Signor Giraldi,
who was in Mr. Hamilton's box, pro-
posed to make us acquainted; and at
the end of the performance, he conduct-
ed me to him; he looks well, and has a
very lively and animated countenance;
he does not seem to be above fifty years
of age, though he is said to be sixty-
three. He was very polite, and entered
into conversation with great ease and
chearfulness; he enquired after the
Duchess of Manchester, and Lady Fanny
Shirley, who had honoured him with
their protection when he was in England,
which, he said, was in the end Mr.
Heydegger's reign. He introduced me
to Signor Gennaro Manno, a celebrated
Neapolitan composer, who sat behind
him. Signor Giraldi had been with him
before, to fix a time for bringing me to
his house; it was now settled that we
should meet at Lord Fortrose's; indeed
it was to his Lordship that I was in-
