
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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pany of Naples. The music was com-
posed by Giuseppe da Majo, a Neapo-
litan composer, brought up in the Con-
servatorio of the Pietà, and was excellent,
though coarsely performed.

Having the honour, to-day, of dining
at our minister's, I was very much enter-
tained in the afternoon by the perform-
ance of a fat friar, of the order of St.
Dominic, who came there to sing buffo
songs; he accompanied himself on the
harpsichord in a great number of hu-
morous scenes from the burletta operas
of Piccini and Paesiello, which he sung
with a comic force, little inferior to that
of Casaccia, and with a much better

Signor Nasci, who leads the band at
the comic opera in the theatre de Fioren-
, played on the violin in the Domini-
can's performance, and afterward in
some of his own trios, which are ex-
tremely pretty, with a very uncommon
degree of grace and facility.
