
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Fortrose, the French consul, a number
of English gentlemen, and much other
company; in the evening there was more
music, and at supper a select party, which
did not separate till two o'clock in the
morning, when I took leave of Mr. Ha-
milton and his lady with infinite regret,
as the countenance and assistance with
which I was honoured by them, during
my residence at Naples, were not only of
the utmost utility to me and my plan,
but such as gratitude will never suffer
me to forget.

Tuesday 6. This day I had the honour of
dining with Lord Fortrose; the company
was very numerous, and chiefly musical.
Barbella and Orgitano were invited; there
was likewise the French consul, M. D'As-
tier. After dinner, a complete band was as-
sembled in the gallery, and we had mu-
sic till past eleven o'clock. Barbella
pleased me much more to-night than he
had done before; he is very certain of
