
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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neatness in all he attempts, are his cha-
racteristics. Though Caffarelli and Bar-
bella are rather ancient and in ruin, yet
what remains of them is but the more
precious. Caffarelli proposed our spend-
ing a whole day together, in order to
discuss musical matters, and said it would
even be too little for all that we had to
say; but when I had acquainted him of
the necessity I was under of setting out
for Rome the next night, immediately
after the opera, he offered to meet
me again at Lord Fortrose's the next

After supper, Barbella played extreme-
ly well several Calabrese, Leccese, and
Neapolitan airs, and among the rest, a
humourous piece composed by himself,
which he calls ninna nonna; it is a nur-
sery tune, or lullaby, excellent in its way,
and was well expressed.

Wednesday 7. I visited by appointment,
Padre della Torre, to whom I had let-
