
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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furnish me with several of these glass
globules for my own use.

From hence I went to the house of
Lord Fortrose, to meet Caffarelli; and
now I have mentioned his name for the
last time, it affords me an opportunity
of acquainting my reader, that this ce-
lebrated singer has bought a duke-
dom for his nephew, after his own de-
cease, the title is Duca di Santi Dorato.
He is very rich, yet often sings for hire
at convents and at churches. He has
built himself a magnificent house, and
over the door is this inscription:


To-day I was favoured at dinner with
the company of Signor Fabio, the first
violin of the opera of San Carlo; he was
so obliging and so humble as to bring
with him his violin. It is very com-
mon in the great cities of Italy to see

* Amphion built Thebes, I only a house.