
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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of all her gorgeous attire and worldly
vanities, and had her hair cut off. She
then came to the gate in her religious
dress, to receive the white veil, with
which she was invested by the lady ab-
bess, the cardinal and the other assistants
standing by.

After this there was more pretty music
badly performed. The organ, by execut-
ing all the symphonies and accompani-
ments, overpowered the violins, and had
a bad effect, though neatly played.

When her veil was on, the new sister
came to the convent door, to receive the
congratulations of her friends and of the
company; but first, with a lighted taper
in her hand, she marched round the con-
vent to salute all the nuns, who had like-
wise tapers in their hands. When she
was at the door, with the veil and a crown
on, but her face uncovered, I, among the
rest, went close to her, and found that she
was much prettier than I had before ima-
gined. She had a sweet mouth, and the
