
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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finest teeth in the world, with lively sparkl-
ing eyes, and an elegant shaped face;
She would, any where else, have been
stiled a very pretty woman; but here,
her situation exalted her into a beauty.
At the altar she changed countenance
several times, first pale, then red, and
seemed to pant, and to be in danger, of
either bursting into tears, or fainting;
but she recovered before the ceremony
was ended, and at the convent door as-
sumed an air of great chearfulness; talk-
ing to several of her friends and acquaint-
ance, and seeming to give up the world
very heroically.--And thus ended this
human sacrifice!

In the afternoon I went to the Chiesa
Nuova, to hear an oratorio in that church,
where the sacred drama took its rise.
There are two galleries; in one there
is an organ, and in the other a harpsi-
chord; in the former the service was be-
gun by the vespers in four parts, alla Pa-
; then the Salve Regina was sung

a voce