
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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from the same pulpit from whence the
child had descended. I waited to hear
the last chorus, which, though it was
sung by book, was as light and as un-
meaning as an opera chorus, which must
be got by heart. With respect to a true
oratorio chorus accompanied with instru-
ments in the manner of Handel's, I heard
but few all the time I was in Italy.
When this performance was over, I went
as usual to the Duke of Dorset's con-

Monday 12. I visited the Pope's, or
Sistine chapel, and being a day in which
there was no service, I had permission to
go into every part of it, which I was
curious to do on many accounts. First,
as it is the place in which the famous
Miserere of Allegri is performed; secondly,
as it was here that church-music first had
its rise, and was brought to its highest
perfection; and thirdly, where, at the
altar piece, is so wonderfully painted the
