
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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in seeking curious things for me during
my absence at Naples, but had employed
several persons in transcribing them;
the Abate Elie had done the same at the
Vatican; and the Cavalier Piranesi, my
English friends, and several eminent an-
tiquaries and artists had been active in
searching ancient instruments, among the
bassi relievi the best sculpture of antiqui-
ty, and copying them ready for me at my
return to Rome. Signor Santarelli was
so obliging as to accompany me to the
Cavalier Battoni's, where his scholar the
Signorina Battoni, sung with noble sim-
plicity, and a truly pathetic expression,
several songs of Hasse, Galuppi, Traetta,
and Piccini.

From hence I went to a great con-
cert, at the house of M. Schuvaloff,
the Moscovite general; and there I al-
most fancied myself in London; for,
except three or four, the whole company,
consisting of near thirty noblemen, gentle-
men, and ladies, was English. The
