
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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little Miniatrice, Baccheli, was there to
sing, and another girl; the former sung
very well, and the other will sing, some
time hence: there was nothing extraor-
dinary in the instruments.

Tuesday 13. I had but just time to
step into the beautiful little church of
St. Andrea della Noviciata, built by
Bernini, at which there was music com-
posed by Orisicchio, and led by Nicolai;
but though my stay was very short, I
heard a sinfonia or overture, and a chorus
a due cori, which were excellent.

Signor Orisicchio ranks so high among
the present Roman composers for the
church, that upon any festival wherever
he is Maestro di Capella, and has com-
posed a mass, there is sure to be a
very great crowd.

Friday 16. In a visit which I made
Signor Santarelli this morning, I found
with him three or four of his brethren
of the Pope's chapel; among the rest,
